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Autumn 2020

Covid-19, revealing weaknesses and triggering opportunities
The crisis of CODIV-19 undoubtedly remains one of the major health crises of our 21st century. If the pandemic has affected each of us at different levels - professional, personal, relational - it has also highlighted the many vulnerabilities of our society. 

Summer 2020

The crisis we are currently going through should  bring  us  closer  together  and  should  lead  us  to 
strengthen the commitment of each of us to the service of FISAIC for the pleasure and develop-
ment  of  everyone  in  their  artistic  and  cultural activities. 

Spring 2020

In the second quarter of the year, our respective agendas place us on the path of renewal: it is spring and we are preparing to implement the cultural events, artistic exhibitions and musical concerts that have been prepared for this period suitable for festivities.

Autumn 2019

During the summer that has just left us, I was given the opportunity to participate in national and international cultural events.

April 2019

We have completed the first quarter of 2019 which was another landmark for the FISAIC. The most auspicious event of the year was setting the goal to move forwards at the Executive Committee which took place in Paris on 2nd of March...

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